
A4F Services

Charting your way towards the future



A4F Service’s mission is to provide Air Operators, IFR & VFR Procedure Design Organisations, CAAs, and ANSPs, both civil and military with aeronautical charting services aligned with:

  • Their individual needs,
  • International, European and national requirements and guidance and
  • Human factors principles.


We have set out to become your trusted go-to partner when it comes to charting services and supporting quick situational identification and decision making in high-precision environments. 


Our core values are:

  • We provide quality and trust,
  • Safety is our priority,
  • We go the extra mile,
  • We contribute towards the evolution of the industry.
  • Production of Aeronautical Charts
    Production of Aeronautical Charts

Production of Aeronautical Charts

A4F Services is at its core an aeronautical chart production company. ICAO charts, air operator specific charts and procedure design charts are all belonging to A4F Services’s charting portfolio. We are able to produce charts according to your requirements and specifications by using data from your regulated data sources. Moreover, we can also migrate your current status charts towards an automated charting environment.

ICAO Annex 4, 6, 15, PANS-OPS (Doc 8168), and the Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697) are taken into consideration.

  • Procedure Design Charts
    Procedure Design Charts

Procedure Design Charts

When producing a procedure of any kind to or from an airport/heliport, a chart product of that procedure needs to be fashioned out to support the process of its safety assessment, flight inspection/validation and approval.

We have the experience and proven record to produce Procedure Design Charts out of the Procedure Design Report according to your requirements.

  • ICAO Charts
    ICAO Charts

ICAO Charts

To comply with Annex 4 & 15 SARPs, States are required to produce a number of charts.

Using our experience, we produce your maps and charts according to ICAO Annex 15 requirements and ICAO Annex 4 definitions. The transition of chart identification for PBN charts as outlined in PANS-OPS (Doc 8168) and ICAO Circular 353 are fully taken into account.

  • Pilot Charts
    Pilot Charts

Pilot Charts

In order to cope with the internal charting needs of air operators, end user/pilot charts are needed.

By using our excellent track record and experience we produce your charts compilations (e.g. FLIPS, Operations Manual Part C) or only your charts for HEMS or HEL, OPS IFR and/or VFR, based on personalised layout requirements and cartographic symbology.

  • Aeronautical Charting Training
    Aeronautical Charting Training

Aeronautical Charting Training

Our experienced charting team provides a thorough training for ab-initio aeronautical charts production. The training, which lasts for two and a half weeks, contains among others:

  • Cartography principles introduction as well 
  • The aeronautical data chain and aeronautical charting understanding 
  • ICAO Aeronautical Charts according to Annex 4 general principles,
  • Practical training (one and a half weeks): development of charts by participants like SID, STAR, Aerodrome Obstacle Chart Type A.

Besides the ab-initio training, a refresher course in charting production, lasting one working week, is also offered.

  • Development Support
    Development Support

Development Support

Using our experience, we support system & product enterprises in the development of cartographic tools towards sophisticated widely automated aeronautical charting systems. One of such systems developed in Switzerland, is being successfully put into use for our aeronautical cartographic service.

  • Consultancy


Our experts provide strategic advice for your organization’s charting managerial, professional and technical teams. From concept development, planning and monitoring, we help implementing new international developments like the “AIS to AIM” and “the aeronautical data catalogue” in your organization.

Main Areas

A4F Services is a company founded in Switzerland which focuses its resources on providing customers with services around aeronautical charting. Our team has more than 40 years of aeronautical information management expertise. Our core area lies in aeronautical charting and data management processes at both national and international level. 

Our main expertise areas are:

  • Operational and strategic knowledge for aeronautical and spatial information management,
  • Process analysis,
  • Data Management,
  • AIM processes and organization,
  • ICAO Annex 4 and 15,
  • Aeronautical charting.

What makes us unique

When trying to enumerate what distinguishes us from the others, we can say that:

  • We are one of the few world companies building helicopter PINS charts
  • We have tens of years of experience building charts in the Swiss challenging aviation environment
  • We build individual solutions for both our civil and military partners
  • We are part of a trusted network of aviation professionals, managing in this way to advise our clients in areas outside aeronautical data management and charting


Behind the founder of A4F Services are nearly half of century of Aeronautical Charting experience, particularly in:

  • Service development
  • System implementation
  • Training and
  • Cartographic processes

Occupying along the way leadership positions in Charting Production and Processing both in Skyguide and FOCA AIS, he now inspires and leads the way forward, with the ambition of making A4F Services an important charting provider.

Feedback fuels change

Address A4F Services GmbH
Napfstrasse 62
CH-3550 Langnau im Emmental
Main Office Phone: +41 79 653 07 45
  Fax: +49 7556 4521 78 7
Sales Department Phone: +49 7556 4521 78 9
  Fax: +49 7556 4521 78 7


A4F Services GmbH
Napfstrasse 62
3550 Langnau i.E. / Canton Bern / Switzerland


Johann Rudolf Gafner (Vors.), Peter Rudolph


Telefon: +41 (0) 79 653 07 45
Telefax:  +49 (0) 7556 4521 78 7


Eintragung im Handelsregisteramt Kanton Bern 
Firmennummer: CHE-381-017-543

Source photo material -

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Verantwortlicher im Sinne der Datenschutzgesetze, insbesondere der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), ist die:

A4F Services GmbH
Napfstrasse 62
3550 Langnau i.E. / Canton Bern / Switzerland

Telefon: +41 (0) 79 653 07 45
Telefax:  +49 (0) 7556 4521 78 7

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